Feed Box Market Top 5

We had such an amazing time at Feed Box Market this week, breaking hoops, teaching our neighbours tricks and generally causing all sorts of chaos. 

Straight after HoopFit, I did a bit of a Superman/Clark Kent move and transformed myself into Miss B B Hoops!! 

We had glitter hoops and performances. It was so much fun teaching everyone to hoop and we got a chance to check out some of the stalls. 

Our Top 5 Stalls

1. Higher Ground
Number one because let's be honest if there isn't good coffee, what's the point? 

2. No Toast
We've already demolished a couple of packets of this amazing granola at our place. Mum started putting it on salad too!!

3. Sally's Lane
At first I wasn't sure why I would want non alcoholic grape juice, and then I tried it! I've stocked up every week since the markets started. 

4. Guinea Grove Farm
Try the chilli oil. 

5. Maggie's Treats 
Because one time I had a little too much 'grape juice' the night before and their bacon and egg roll saved my life. Enough said!

Come visit us next week! We'll have hoops for sale and performances by Miss B B Hoops!! 

Xx Me